This article is more than 1 year old

Wobble bottoms get mobile boost

Fat-busting tips on the move

If you're struggling - in common with millions of other Xmas overindulgers - to shed a few pounds in anticipation of hitting the beaches of Rio de Janeiro this summer without being ridiculed as the lardy wobble-bottom you currently are, then look no further than a mobile innovation from Weightwatchers and mobile platform and services provider Extended Systems.

According to the calorie-packed blurb for "Weightwatchers On-the-Go", this flab-busting alliance has, as of right now, deployed "the industry’s first mobile weight-loss application that syncs with a Web-based subscriber account via the Internet" which can "help subscribers make wise food and exercise choices while travelling, such as on business trips, dining at restaurants, working out at fitness centers, and other locations away from their office or home computer."

Quite how it works we're not sure, but suffice it to say there's plenty of SyncML Data Sync and client deployment wizards in there to help People of Size™ find the thin person within. We assume, however, that it basically sends a message to your PDA telling you that the post-gym double mocha chocca latte decaf you're about to pour down your neck contains 1,465 calories, leaving you an allowance of 1.2 calories for the rest of the day - roughly the equivalent of glancing momentarily at a pork pie from a distance of two miles.

To be honest, we reckon that a shouting fridge would do the job just as well: you get up at 2am, sneak into the kitchen in search of that last slice of black forest gateau and before you know it your white goods are giving you an earful about your lack of self control and expanding waistline. That should be enough to keep even the most dedicated nosh aficionado on the straight and narrow. ®

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