This article is more than 1 year old
615 it still alive in a Transmeta way
But in a start-up sort of a thang
We almost hesitate to write another Transmeta story after the barrage of mails and hate mails we got. (Now see the updated story: Microsoft killed the 615 -- information from inside IBM Micro.) B
ut this one is too good to miss. Some of our elder readers may well remember the Motorola PowerPC 615 and if you do a search on our old siteyou'll find what we thought about it three or so years ago.
It transpires that IBM and Motorola actually made quite a bit of 615 silicon, with what our sources describe as a bit of x.86 compatibility "bolted on top". It turns out that quite a few of those Austin engineers now work for Transmeta. Spooky, eh? ®