This article is more than 1 year old
Apple dubs upcoming consumer portable ‘iBook’
And its ready to ship new, 333MHz iMac
Apple appears to have selected the name iBook for its forthcoming consumer and education-oriented notebook Mac, better known by its codename, P1. The name 'iBook' has been assigned to the company as a trademark and follows naturally from the name 'iMac'. An earlier, much-fancied name was 'WebMate', given the machine's anticipated role as a portable Internet access system -- iBook retains that idea, but also ties the machine into the professional PowerBook line. The latest suggested specification for P1/iBook includes a 300MHz PowerPC 750 (aka G3) CPU, translucent two-colour iMac-style case, 11in LCD screen, ATI Rage Pro graphics and 32MB RAM. However, given the latest version (Revision D) of the iMac, due to ship latet this month, sports a 333MHz processor, it's likely the portable's clock speed will be increased likewise. The Rev. D iMacs will ship with 32MB RAM and 6GB hard drives, and be offered in the current version's blue, red, green, orange and purple colour schemes. ®