This article is more than 1 year old

Online Jewish bun-fight erupts

Community divided over who best serves the community

A fight seems to have broken out among the Jewish community in the UK. This has nothing to do with Talmud writings or kosher food, but is a war over who has the best Web site. First it was Benjamin Cohen, the teen entrepreneur who was rumoured to be worth around £5 million thanks to his Jewishnet site. Then Kosheronline jumped on the bandwagon, this week claiming it would be bigger and brighter than Cohen's enterprise. And now it's the turn of, which is hollering that it was the UK's first Jewish Web site, so therefore deserves a share of the glory. Not wanting to miss out, it has decided to court the press over its plans to expand and offer the ultimate Jewish "community" online service. Sorry, did someone say "community"? ®

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