This article is more than 1 year old
Orange WAP phones in short supply
And Cellnet is giving them away
A shortage of supplies of the Orange flavour of the Nokia 7110 is hitting sales of the trendy WAP based product, it has emerged. One reader told The Register that he had rung Orange and been told that there were "none available" while at the end of last week another person at Orange told him that the company "took delivery of 2500 in December and they have all gone out". Orange confirmed that whilst there is a shortage of the WAP enabled phone they already have some in stock and they are expect delivery of more Nokia 7110 phones soon although supplies are not in high volume. Orange will continue using the Nokia phone and has no plans to change to a different model. Claims that Orange had withdrawn the Nokia 7110 and asking customers to return them were denied outright by the telecoms company. However it seems BT Cellnet might have a plentiful supply as they give away 100 free WAP phones on their Genie website between 1pm and 2pm this afternoon.. ®