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System builders back Athlon 850

AMD beating Intel in MHz race

Carrera, Evesham Micros, Mesh and Time Computers will be among PC builders launching machines with AMD's 850MHz Athlon chip. Carrera is adding an 850MHz machine to its existing Octan range of Athlon machines from the chip's launch date of 14 February. Carrera's PC will have 128MB memory, 20GB hard drive, 19in monitor and will run on Windows 98. It will be priced at £1899 inc. VAT. Evesham Micros will be offering four 850MHz Athlon PCs from March -- the TNT 2, TNT 2 Plus, GeForce and GeForce DDR. "AMD can hold its own and now beat Intel in the megahertz race," said Luke Ireland, operations director at Evesham. "The ever increasing demands of gamers means that AMD is now considered the vendor of choice in this highly competitive market." The higher-end GeForce DDR machine will have 256MB SDRAM, 27GB hard drive, 17in screen and 10x speed DVD, priced at £2049 exc. VAT. The lower-end TNT2 will have 64MB SDRAM, 12.9GB hard drive and 17in screen at £1369 exc. VAT. London-based Mesh will launch a 128MB, 27GB hard drive machine, with 19in screen, USB and Windows 98 for £1999 exc. VAT. It has an ATI Rage Fury Maxx graphics card, and is aimed at home-office users and serious gamers, according to Paul Kinsler, Mesh general manager. Time will have an 850MHz Athlon PC on sale from 1 March. Called the Time 850-7 CD-R TV Ultimate PC, it will come with 256MB of memory, 27GB hard drive, 32MB TNT2 AGPx2 3D graphics card and 19in monitor. The Time machine will cost £1999 exc. VAT. ® Related Stories AMD to massacre Intel on St Valentine's Day UK PC makers throw weight behind Athlon 750 800MHz Athlon games systems to launch next month Athlon PCs go on sale

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