This article is more than 1 year old
Micron DDR samples out and about
But where's Intel's PC-133 solution?
Intel Developer Forum Chip manufacturer Micron was demonstrating two working systems of DDR (double data rate) memory using the Samurai chipset at its stand in the exhibition section of the Intel Developer Forum. All during the week, senior Intel personnel have told us that Willamette, when it launches, will be positioned as a Rambus solution, while Foster, its server equivalent is likely to use DDR memory. But, according to Micron, Samurai will not be sold as a chipset, but instead is more like a proof of concept idea. One system was a single unbuffered solution, with one 128MB DIMM inside, while the other system, using two North Bridges, was a dual channel DDR solution. While Intel is prepping a PC-133 chipset, for use with synchronous memory, this week we have seen neither hide nor hair of the chipset. ®