This article is more than 1 year old
Get ready for the Net-ready photo booth
So, how many people can you cram into an e-photo booth?
With the ubiquitous chant of 'if people touch it, connect it to the Net', it was only a matter of time before photo booths got wired. Sounds like a daft idea - who's gonna sit in a curtained light box to surf the Net? - but PhotoPlanet is on to a winner here. Don't expect to see many of the e-booths (1000 countrywide by the end of the year), but where they crop up, there will be queues. They trash traditional booths siimply because you can keep scanning your face until you're happy - which could mean that this the end of the dodgy passport photo. Then, print it out (one, four or 12 copies - £3), email it (50p), shove it on a postcard (£1) or print your mug on some stickers (£2). If you want, you can surf the Net for 10p a minute (they reckon you can also build Web pages, but we'll keep quiet about that one). It's easy-to-use, keenly priced, fast - just a shame one of them crashed during the demonstration (it was just the video link a PR reliably informed me). Presuming they keep working and remain fully loaded, the BT/Photo-Me booths could even spark off a new culture of emailing daft photos - problem is that most supermarkets are shut by pub closing time. And in case you're wondering, yes, this story was sent from one such booth and cost £1.27. Bargain. ®