This article is more than 1 year old
ON24 slams ZDNet April Fool's ‘joke’
No longer considers ZDNet News a reliable source
Unaccountably, this link ( no longer appears to work. So here is the ON24 piece in full:
"This is a retraction to a story published by ON24 News on Monday April 3rd. At that time we attributed a story to ZDNet News United Kingdom citing 'exclusive sources', reporting Sony was developing a Playstation3 game (sic) using AMD chips. Additionally, the new machine would use the Linux operating system. "The false news story was reported on Yahoo! news in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This story was a hoax perpetrated by ZDNet News UK as an April Fool's Day prank.
"ZDNet News UK repeatedly stood by its story until Tuesday April 4th. ZDNet News in the United States finally confirmed the reporting was untrue on Tuesday and stated the network did not endorse April's Fools pranks, more than 24 hours after On24 first challenged their reporting.
"A ZDNet News executive producer did admit concern that some investors may have lost money due to their prank. "On24 News will no longer consider ZDNet News as a reliable source. We apologise to our audience - Peter Chaplin, News Director On24."
Register April Fool Watch: What about the April Fool's doing the rounds Stateside that ZDNet wants to sell-off the increasingly accident-prone, non-core UK operation?
Register Factoid 99: April Fool Jokes are supposed to be amusing.