This article is more than 1 year old

PR bunnies in extinction shock

New technology will finish them off

Spin doctors are fast becoming a threatened species, according to a new report from the PR bunnies themselves. The source of the threat isn't a gin and tonic shortage, a clampdown on expenses, or even myxomatosis, but the Internet. The Institute of Public Relations and the PR Consultant's Association claim that because so much corporate information is now available on company Web sites, that spin doctors can no longer control the flow of information to journalists. "Attempts to control and manipulate information may become unviable in the Internet age," warns the report. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this means the poor dears will have to turn their not-considerable talents to other tasks, including the creation of yet more appalling marketingspeak terms if the report itself is anything to go by, including, as it does, such vile barbarisms as "newbieproofing", "topic centres" and centre-morphing". There is even a term to describe the death of spin itself - "hyperjuju". The Register's consultant spinmeister, Doctor Spinola, adds: "PR has always been and will remain an integral part of the marketing mix. That will be £1500 please." ®

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