This article is more than 1 year old
MP3 to destroy capitalism, bring about anarchy
Register soothsayer disembowels riots and sees the signs
A May Day protest against multinationals and small plants or something led to riots in central London this week but has left behind a far more revealing message. The peaceful protest turned nasty as the cliched "minority of thugs intent on causing trouble" put their intention to cause trouble into action. Aside from a pack of obvious hooligans smashing up a McDonalds (don't think this was political, they were hungry and couldn't figure out how to open the door), what really upset the country and prime minister was red graffiti sprayed on monuments. The graffiti was, at best, nave and included some philosophical delights as "Why glorify war?" on London's war memorial, the Cenotaph, and "ciggies are cool" on Sir Walter Raleigh's statue. The usual "fuck the police" and "destroy capitalism" scrawls were also present. However, what intrigued The Reg while travelling up Whitehall on the 88 bus this morning was the appearance of "MP3" of various statues and walls. Quite why these hardened anarchists and eco-twats felt the need to paint a computer format alongside cries for revolution is unclear - is this the first sign of an internet generation, lost and disillusioned and unable to function without a keyboard, crying out for attention? Who cares.