This article is more than 1 year old
Phillpott calls piracy kettle black
Who are the pirates?
Ooh, a well written, intelligent reply (from Julia Phillpot), David Hall writes. I wonder how long she'll last. Shame she can't back the 'If anything, the figures questioned by Mr. Lea are more likely to be an understatement as to the extent of software piracy, rather than an inflation of the issue.'with any facts though. I thought supplying goods that were not fit for purpose was also a criminal act, but I don't hear Microsoft campaigning for software licence's that state it is. Now if Microsoft spent more time making its software more reliable, and less on bells and whistles, and anti piracy campaigns, I'd be more impressed.
"However, our business and that of every software company is completely dependent on the protection of the intellectual property rights. Without this fundamental protection, the software side of the IT industry simply wouldn't evolve." What she fails to mention ( says
Jonathan Wilson) is the need for MS to code buggy software so we are forced into upgrading when the original cash cow runs out, without that the MS merry go round would simply not evolve at the massive pace it has so far. ®
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