This article is more than 1 year old
Register nothing but anti-Mac geeks
'Wozniak' writes...
From: Wozniak [yeah, right... Ed]
Sent: Sun, Nov 7, 1999, 10:17 am
Subject: Nothing but anti-Mac geeks
I am once again disgusted by your sites attitude towards Apple computer. I had held off from writing to you after several appauling articles written in pure tabloid dribble style by your hapless and talentless 'writers' but it has come to the point now where despite the fact that your literature chimpanzees will either sweep my mail under the carpet, reply with a sarcastic collection of ill chosen words or simply laugh it down in the office I have got to write.
Every aticle you have posted about Apple has been tainted with some type of disdain. It may be a fact the Apple isn't for everyone, but certainly it my feeling that in a market full of unstable, conflicting, complicated and basically poorly concieved operating systems, the MacOS is SUPERIOR (and this comes from someone who has to endure the painful, unpowerful, unstable shite that is Windows 98 every day at work, only to look forward to getting home to use my iMac.)
So here's the thing. Either get off Apples back and report news about the OS, hardware, peripherals and so on with unbiased opinion, or stick to your geeky, cloned, no-good and bascially far inferior systems and hardware and leave Apple out of your collective loser Web site.
Email reproduced in full and unedited. Email address supplied.