This article is more than 1 year old

Shame on The Register's support for Open Source

Are we getting politically too correct for our Readers' good?

And we thought being against Open Source was like being against Christmas. But then again we may be getting politically too correct for our Readers' good...

From Otto Goencz
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999, 3:14:23 PM
Subject: Register T-shirts

The article titled "T-shirts? You want T-shirts? We got Register T-shirts" contains incorrect information about donations.

The Register or Copyleft isn't donating any money, it is the buyer's money which is distributed. $3.00 for The Register and $2.00 to an open source project of Copyleft choosing. Your article seems to suggest that it is The Register's money which gets donated and fails to mention the $3.00 donation to The Register:

"Anyway, we will donate $2 from each Register merchandise purchase (that's $1 from our purse and $1 from Copyleft's) to a worthy open source group of Copyleft's choice."

One could argue, as I mentioned earlier, it isn't either companies money which is donated. It is the customer's money, which is generously donated by the above mentioned companies.

Although I wouldn't mind the $3.00 donation to The Register, I do object the donation to an open source project. I don't believe in open source and refuse to donate money for it. That leaves me no choice, no matter how much I like the T-shirt, I won't buy it. I do wish that you could make it available without the donation to the open sore, oops open source.

Best Regards,


Email reproduced in full and unedited. Email address supplied.

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