This article is more than 1 year old
Show Babes get Hardwire Review site sweaty
Where's the IT angle?
A policy of strong abuse to those who email The Reg publicising their own site has dissuaded most from wasting our time. However, there is the odd gem and GA-Hardware is one of these.
The editor of the site, which launched at the start of April, sent a suitably understated email.
"I decided to start my E3 coverage with something that should be interesting to everyone, a babe report. I have a load of pics of the booth babes both inside E3 and in the G.O.D. Promised lot. The URL is"
This is the kind of tangential reporting that we like to see. Give the people what they want - and since most visitors to such trade shows spend half the time ogling the product babes and the other half trying not to think about them, this fits in with that aim perfectly. We remember a freaked-out Star Trek babe running away from a pack of geeks in New York - they'd been following her at close range for about two hours. The thrill of the chase only compounded her problems.
GA-Hardware's aims to give original coverage of gaming news and info by having plenty of technical knowledge but writing in simple English. You'll be the judge of whether they've pulled it off. And talking of pulling off - yes, the scantily clad ladies that grace the site's pages are worth a look at.
Tomorrow we will be visiting Internet World 2000, which has hyped itself up with the appearance of ONE page3 girl (named after the Sun newspaper's policy of putting a topless model on page 3). She will be totally naked underneath her clothes, the organisers have assured us. Sometimes the Yanks just do it better. ®