This article is more than 1 year old
BabeWatch at Internet World
Kieren and Tim exceed their brief
Dawning as it did that there was no news to be had at the show (and even if there was, most stallholders wouldn't know what their product was), it seemed only right to tell readers how to get the most out of the show.
That's our justification anyway for giving you a rundown on the Show Bunnies dotted around the floor.

First up has to be MCI Worldcom (stall 481) featuring Zoom technology in conjunction with Aside from the lovely girls on the stall, an evident attraction is the two page 3 "stunners" who will gladly talk you through the technology involved. Watch this space for a pic of Andrea, 26 and Joni, 24? with two of your favourite Reg hacks.
Nancy, 25??, from (stall 645/5) - the online yellow pages - also said she would "give it some" and then email us the resulting photo. Pretty in pink.
Concentric (stall 345) featured a gymnast couple do the most extraordinary things on a revolving stage (why? Tagline is "strength and flexibility"). Julia is the slight blonde doing the bending (the mind boggles) and Karina is also a bit of a lovely + she has a brain and can answer questions about the company's ISP setup.
Claire, 18 and Skye, 19, were and respectively. We think they are based at CentralNic (154) but they're job is to wander around looking dishy and dishing out flyers. Studying for A-levels? No, Claire works for IBM in procurement but figured a bit of extra cash wouldn't go amiss.
Also wandering about are the Beenz (239) girls. There were four of them, reduced to two after lunch. It's difficult to tell them apart since they are all dressed as large red kidney beans - not the most flattering.
Talking of flattering, Sam, 22?? and Kacey, 27, were glad we didn't have a digital camera. Why? "Well, look at me." Yes, indicii salus (stall 570) had gone for bright orange and the bright orange catsuits left little to the imagination. And no, they didn't know what the Latin meant.
"Why are you wearing those?" "Because our content management system is out of this world." Yep, it was those funny glittery balls on the end of springs that you put on your head and they wave about (deeli-boppers?). Anyway, Claudia is a marketing specialist and she has a beautiful face AND a brain. Percussion can be found somewhere in the back left of the hall.
And that leaves only the gorgeous Rani, 24 who is handing out fortune cookies, all of which say you ought to give all your money to 5-Online (274).
So that's it for this year. If you meet any of the aforementioned lovely ladies please tell them they have been featured on The Reg's Babe Watch - maybe then they'll go home a little happier after a hard day's work instead of wondering who those two strange lads were that were chatting up every attractive girl they set their eyes on. ®