This article is more than 1 year old
RIP Bill: Links to all our stories
Big Brother is watching you
What the hell is - the UK's RIP Bill?
The Government
Home Office Web site: RIP Bill page
The Opposition
The Foundation for Independent Policy Research (FIPR)
July 2000
How to dodge RIP
RIP branded 'zombie legislation' as it passes Lords
ISP RIPs up UK domicile
Minister slams RIP objections as 'ill founded'
ISPs fly to continent to escape RIP
ISP RIPs up UK domicile
Blair to give £20m RIP sweetener
RIP will turn Britain into police state - Clinton Web guru
June 2000
Drunks should fear RIP bill
Govt bows to RIP pressure
Waugh hits out at RIP
RIP Bill needs 'a very big knife taking to it'
Home Office kept busy defending RIP Bill
Straw hits back at RIP Bill critics
Anarchists and Thatcher unite over RIP
Ex-army major offers dotcom sanctuary
RIP could wreck UK business, Chamber of Commerce realises
May 2000
This House believes Cyber Rights are going down the pan
Big Brother Bill faces Select Committee storm
April 2000
RIP Bill - ISP costs mount up
RIP: Tories attack from the Right
Mar 2000
RIP: even Big Brother is confused
MPs get 1000 anti-RIP faxes
Home Office RIPs into its Big Brother critics
Opposition mounts against UK's Big Brother Bill
Feb 2000
UK introduces Big Brother Bill ®