This article is more than 1 year old

Government Health Warning: mobile phones may damage your health

Mobile phones to go the way of a pack of smokes

The UK government is to force mobile phone companies to display a health warning on mobile phone packaging, according to the Observer.

A government committee formed to study the health risks of mobile phone usage will this week publish its findings and will recommend that phones carry a cigarette-style health warning, the paper says.

Of course, that's some way from actually forcing mobile phone manufacturers to do so, especially considering the report will also note the lack of hard scientific proof that mobile phones are harmful.

The warning will counsel against excessive use of mobile phones - though whether it will say what exactly is meant by 'excessive’ is another matter.

The 12-person committee was set up under the chair of former chief scientist to the Cabinet Office William Stewart after the publication last year of numerous reports which questioned the safety of mobile phone usage. ®

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