This article is more than 1 year old

Reg gags on hardcore porn

I-lay, U-lay, O-lay.. .whale oil beef hooked

The Reg would like to warn all its readers to be very, very careful when typing in domain names.

For instance, if you were thinking of visiting, the site associated with the beauty product Oil of Olay, then go ahead. Feel free.

In fact, you can go here and see for yourself the benefits of a three minute facial.

However, if you were to mistype the URL and omit the "s", for the sake of argument, then... well, I'd rather not say what would happen... except that this site also advocates facial treatments, ahem, which, er, may or may not, ahem, reduce the ageing process. Ahem.

For while was registered by Proctor & Gamble in December last year, wasn't.

A spokeswoman for Proctor & Gamble said she would launch an immediate and urgent investigation into the matter.

"We deplore any offence on the Net," she said.

So do we, so do we. In fact, there isn't much that offends the Reg but this really did take the wind out of our sails, for a second or two at least... ®

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