This article is more than 1 year old
Rambus, Intel, Dramurai reach end game
Arbitration, rather than quill pens drawn at dawn
Many thanks to Rambusite, an independent Web site that follows the comings and goings of the Mountain View intellectual property outfit, for drawing our attention to three different developments in the continuing saga of Rambus versus The Rest.
If you never tire of the Rambus versus the Dramurai saga, in which Intel plays a mysterious and ill-explained role, a reader points us to take a look at this Page of Dockets which shows filings on behalf of Rambus Ink about the patents in question.
These are very interesting documents, although regrettably some of them are "confidential". Check out, for example, at the second docket, hand delivered to the Honorable Donna Koehnke on 11 September.
A Ms Cecilia Gonzalez says in this letter that the ITC request supports an Intel complaint. Wossisallabout? And check out the patents Rambus says it owns.
We also have some other goodie web links further down this long and winding tail, thanks to Rambusite.
One of the most significant developments, given that in Taipei, last week, senior Micron chaps stuck it to Rambus big time, is that Rambus has finally responded to the anti-trust suit slapped on it from deep Boise, Idaho.
This civil docket, which you can find here, is a filing by Rambus in a sealed envelope (bit like Lenin in his sealed railway carriage?), to summarily dismiss Micron's suit.
While this little docket is issued by Hyundai which mentions the incredibly named Evangelina Almirantearena, a gift for advanced anagrammers, and which asks Judge Patricia V. Trumbull, to dismiss Rambus' plaint. Hyundai and Rambus are in mediation. Come on Pat, get the two parties talking to each other.
If Patricia Trumbull thinks that is a good idea, here is a little Web page should maybe be drawn to the attention of all parties above. It is a guide to dispute resolution for businesses. You'd think they'd all think about that first, wouldn't you?
Recovering from some jet lag yesterday, we heard on BBC Radio 4 of the French first patenting three types of barbed wire in the mid 19th century, a full 12 years before existing patents were filed in the US. This prior art stuff maybe needs some revision for the 21st century, when that starts on the 1st of January next year... ®