This article is more than 1 year old
George Dubya blames Net for Columbine massacre
Guns don't kill people; the Net kills people
Republican hopeful George W. Bush blamed the Internet for causing 'hearts to turn dark', which in turn caused the Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, while attempting to defend his opposition to gun control during Wednesday night's Presidential debate.
"Columbine spoke to a larger issue [than gun control], and it's really a matter of culture. It's a culture that somewhere along the line we began to disrespect life, where a child can....have their heart turn dark as a result of being on the Internet, and walk in and decide to take somebody else's life," the Texas Governor said.
The Gov said that hugs and 'character education' would be a far more effective solution to casual American violence than gun control.
"So gun laws are important, no question about it, but so is loving children and character education classes and faith-based programs being a part of after-school programs. Some desperate child needs to have somebody put their arm around them and say, 'we love you' .... this is a society....that's got to do a better job of teaching children right from wrong."
We're just wondering how a man who hands out signed death warrants as if they were jelly babies is going to teach the nation's sprouts to respect life. But if he figures that one out, he's got our vote. ®