This article is more than 1 year old
The Register Windows Me tweaks and tips roundup
The Web rides to the rescue...
Tweaks, tips and go-faster for Windows Me have been coming out of the woodwork since launch. Here's a selection of what's happening.
Bob at wrote in to tell us that he found a program that'll make a Windows Me boot disk, since you cannot make one in the operating system. You can find that here.
TweakTown has had a Windows Me System Tweaking Guide available since July. You'll find ways to make your system durable, what files you don't need, how to make your boot time even faster, and much more.
The Techno Zone has some useful tech tips for Windows Me.
Windows Me sometimes decides to turn off the sleep power management feature, but there's a fix: apparently, the system gives you two attempts to resuscitate a machine that's gone into deep sleep, which is a thriftier version of the normal Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) sleep mode. If the machine can't come back from this type of sleep after two resuscitation attempts, the system simply disables sleep. All of this is found in the registry, as is just about every other little problem. This feature was also present in Windows 98 SE. has posted a four page Windows Me Tweak Guide. You'll fine almost the same tweaks as other tweak guides, but you'll also find some sound and game tweaks you might find interesting.
3D Spotlight also has a tweak guide, which is combined with a Windows 98 tweak guide. You will see several new tweaks here concerning VXDs, system restore, and much more.
Oh, and by the way... the acronym for "Millennium Edition" is Me, not ME. We almost got our heads bit off by Microsoft because of that, kind of like a vulture. =) [Register house style is WinME, and that's that. But we'll make an exception for Luis provided MS keeps talking to him - Ed]
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