This article is more than 1 year old

Was the Internet based on alien technology?

Proof of NASA's attempt to communicate with aliens

An eagle-eyed reader has sent us proof of NASA's attempt to communicate with creatures from other planets, raising questions over the origin of Internet technology.

We all know that the Net originated in the US military and let's face it, it's a pretty far-out system. Could it be that it was derived from alien technology captured from some kinda whirly spaceship which crash-landed in a US desert or something (and how come aliens always know it's best to observe humankind in the US? They probably know Hollywood is based there).

Only recently, with the commercialisation of the Internet have the rest of us been educated in its strange but instinctive language. And by careful observation of NASA aircraft, we have proof of the organisation's attempt to communicate with aliens using the universal (literally) language.

That's right, look carefully at the picture of the space shuttle below. It is quite clear that NASA is attempting to signal our pleasant nature by… building a smiley into the top of its aircraft!* We had always suspected something. And as for that Berners-Lee - well, he always looked a bit odd.

Get out there children of the Net - we are not alone. ®

*Incidentally, if you think that the shape of an aircraft proving the existence of alien life and the out-of-this-world nature of the Internet is a little, say, tenuous, then you'd be right. Thank God/Allah/Buddha that we've got religion to keep us level-headed.

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