This article is more than 1 year old
Captain Cyborg spouts rubbish on CNN
When will the mainstream media turn their brains on?
Strewth, Kevin Warwick has popped up again spouting his chip gibberish. He's done well this time and made it to CNN. A natural movement towards the US perhaps where "pioneers" such as himself tend to get an easier time of it.
It's the same old guff - he'll put a chip in his arm and then he can record pain/open doors/communicate with his wife/walk on water. In fact, it makes you wonder whether all the world's problems couldn't be solved by putting a small bit of metal in your arm.
You'll be surprised to hear that Kev has manifestly failed again to give any indication of how his scheme would actually work. Unusually, there wasn't a plug for his latest book. The cyborg philosophy was brought out and dusted off again - machines are still going to take over the world, and Kev will save humanity by putting little bits of metal under a few millimetres of skin for a couple of weeks. Fantastic.
He did, however, produce a gem of a quote. "We simply don't know what my brain will do," he said. That's the truest thing you may ever have said Kev. ®
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