This article is more than 1 year old

Rudest words in Britain

Wash your keyboard out with soap and water

It is the time of year again for the Broadcasting Standards Commission to release a list of rude words, in the order of how offensive we Brits find them.

This provides us with a terrific excuse to print lots of foul language. The Reg suspects it will use most of the words listed in the near future, bar the racist ones.

Significant movers this year: Slag is a bit more offensive, moving up two places to number 16. Bollocks, meanwhile, are less rude than two years ago and have slipped two places to number eight.

Following is a table of the offensive language, this year's ranking and its chart position two years ago. You can have fun trying to construct the most offensive, coherent sentence you can. Good luck. ®

WORD 2000 1998
Cunt 1 1
Motherfucker* 2 2
Fuck 3 3
Wanker* 4 4
N-word 5 11
Bastard 6 5
Prick 7 7
Bollocks* 8 6
Arsehole 9 9
Paki* 10 17
Shag 11 8
Whore 12 13
Twat 13 10
Piss off 14 12
Spastic 15 14
Slag 16 18
Shit 17 15
Dickhead* 18 19
Pissed off 19 16
Arse 20 20
Bugger 21 21
Balls 22 22
Jew 23 24
Sodding* 24 23
Jesus Christ 25 26
Crap 26 25
Bloody 27 27
God 28 28

*Words so offensive the Word spellchecker didn't recognise them.

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