This article is more than 1 year old

Never go skiing with a mobile phone

You may not come back

Mobile phones are evil, evil we tell you. Yesterday the Danes told us that they didn't cause cancer, but even if they don't, mobiles can still kill you.

We're not talking about the Mexican who dropped his mobile in the lion's cage at the zoo and was attacked when it went off as he was retrieving it. We're not on about poor old Noel Connelly who fell from his London balcony while trying to get a good signal. Nor the German businessman who was beaten to death for having a really irritating phone ring.

No, we're talking of the poor skier who died in the Alps having been caught up in an avalanche. He was actually securing the area when the avalanche hit him and he was buried. A colleague rushed to locate him with the standard bit of kit - the ARVA 9000 apparently - but couldn't get a fix on the man, even though he was just 50 meters away.

The reason? The searcher had his mobile phone turned on and it was disrupting the avalanche transceiver's digital signal. Eventually, an analogue transceiver was located but it was too late and the man was dead. Now all searchers are being advised to turn off their phones when looking for someone - even the analogue kit is slightly affected by the mobile signal.

Now don't try and tell us that mobiles aren't dangerous. ®

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