This article is more than 1 year old
CPRM on ATA – Full Coverage
The breaking news, your views, and our FAQ
Everything you ever wanted to know about CPRM, but ZDNet wouldn't tell you...
How we broke the story
Stealth plan puts copy protection into every hard drive
How the community reacted
Linux lead slams 'pay per read' disk drive plan
Copy protection hard drive plan nixes free software - RMS
EFF's Gilmore calls for CPRM hardware boycott
There's no going back after CPRM, warns Schneier
The Empire Spins Back
CPRM on hard drives - IBM takes a spin
CNET suckered by CPRM spin
You're hilarious, Intel tells CPRM campaigners
Intel, 4C still 'lying' about CPRM - Gilmore
Um, on second thoughts...
4C retreats in Copy Protection storm
CPRM for HDs may be kicked into touch - Latest
T.13 hoses down CPRM fears
IBM withdraws CPRM for hard drives proposal
Will Phoenix keep your disks and OS CPRM-free?
Gilmore, Hedrick differ on anti-CPRM gameplan
The open PC is dead - start praying, says HD guru
Son of CPRM fails ATA committee vote
Your Letters
Reg readers on the CPRM fiasco
More Letters:CPRM kicked into touch?
Reg readers on keeping the open PC alive
Related copy-control hardware stories
MS plans 'Secure PC' that won't copy pirated audio files
1394 chiefs back 5C's copy controls
Sneaky cable crypto scheme in the works
Prof hushes SDMI crack on DMCA terror
Hacker research team disputes 'hack SDMI' results
SDMI was cracked, and is doomed: count on it
Stories about CPRM in other publications
Scientific American - March 2001's CPRM page®