This article is more than 1 year old
Tiny cuts 60 jobs
Less operational staff, more customer services
PC assembler and retailer Tiny Computers is laying off 60 staff from its HQ in Redhill, Surrey.
The job cuts will be made from the operations side of the business. However Tiny is stressing that there will be jobs available in customer services for some of those facing redundancy.
Staff were told yesterday that the company would be cutting headcount, but individuals won't know who's staying or going until next week.
The move is part of new MD Andrew Walwyn's streamlining plans. Walwyn, ex-MD of mobile phone retailer DX Communications, has overseen the outsourcing of logistics and technical support from the company. He is also introducing Tiny branded digital entertainment products, which will make their first appearance at the Ideal Home Exhibition in March.
Tiny has reported unit sales increased 15 per cent in 2000, compared with overall UK market growth of 7.9 per cent. Shipments for 2000 were "over 400,000" PCs in the UK, against 350,000 in 1999.
The company employs 1,400 people throughout the UK. It has 136 stand-alone stores, and four concessions within Scottish Power outlets. It will open a further four Scottish Power concessions in the next month, and will bring the total up to 60 within the year if the next four work as well as the first four. ®
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