This article is more than 1 year old

Readers' letters Proud Canadian slams Reg

The pen is mightier than the baseball bat

MS Canada on slippery slope
Be funny and win a toboggan

Oh dear, we've upset the Canadians again. Ric Bresee, who declares himself to be 'a proud Canadian' has got himself all discombobulated over our bit of toboggan fun:

While I understand your notable envy with the recent promotion offered to Canadians by Microsoft, I find your character assassination insulting and your obvious belief in stereotypes a certain sign of ignorance. Unlike your own tiny island, Canada is a vast expanse covering almost every known climatic type. From the heights of the Rockies to the flatland Prairies, temperate rain forest to desert, Canada has it all. Not many Canadians live within 1000 kms of a "slippery slope". And to suggest that a typical Canadian office worker would go after work with a baseball bat in hand, presumably seeking violence, is a statement of such bigotry that I must assume it is born of jealously. Yes most Canadians trace their roots back to someone smart enough to leave the U.K., but even our hooligan ancestry doesn't show itself in modern Canadian society. We have, in fact, improved upon our origins.

We may be a small island, but we do have something going for us - a sense of humour. Oh yeah, and we don't speak French. Not anywhere.

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