This article is more than 1 year old
Canada – the hideous truth
Reg reader's damning photographic evidence
Regular visitors to the Vulture Central Mailbag will be aware of our current verbal war with the land of the puffa jacket and baseball bat. That's right, the French Canadians are sabre-rattling against our facetious jibes at their culturally-rich homeland.
Anyone not au fait with the argy-bargy may be entertained by the two latest installments: Proud Canadian slams Reg and Canadians very, very upset
Let's be grateful, then, for Sebastien, who has included a snap of himself:
I am myself a French Canadian. And I think all this is funny, after all my mother always told me if you're not worth a laugh you're not worth anything. To keep up with the happy spirit of the typical Canadian I sent you this image. Hope you like it. There you are, up-to-date on Canadian culture.
Merci for that, mon brave - it confirms everything we were saying. ®