This article is more than 1 year old
AMD Athlon 1.33/1.3GHzs arrive
And other hard nibbles from the Wibbly Web
HWRoundup Yes, the Japanese market, once more, has advance news, pictures and even product, with good old Pricewatch showing 1.33GHz and 1.3GHz Athlons for sale in Old Akihabara. You'll probably see these in London's Tottenham Court Road in about 1000 years...
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There's more about this over at our old friends (cough) site puzzlingly called Xbitlabs. That site claims AMD will use Snobit 2001 at Hangover to formally announce the 1.3GHz parts, and also show new cores for the Afflatus family.
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JC notes here that the Great Satan of Perspiration (Compaq), is bunging AMD processors into its business notebooks. We're still waiting, but are reliably informed a number of tier one players will put K7 mobiles into notebooks, eventually...
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Arstechnica looks here at the kind of conspiracy that could only emanate from the USA. The country which tried to kill Fidel Castro by detonating his cigar is investigating a world-wide hack from Russia. Our own John Leyden is writing his own take on this right now.
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Kyle's Hard OCP has an interesting reference to how Tiffany lamps may have damaged 3DFX. Unfortunately, eBay seems to be down again. It's not using Sun kit, is it?
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A weekly guide to CPU and video card prices has popped up on Anand's site.
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Thanks to for pointing us to this piece on picking a Peltier over at Dan's Data.
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Iwill has gawn and released its BD133 mobo, according to this piece by Jon Hou over at Fullon 3D. (Whatever happened to FIC's Transmeta device -- the Aqua Marina or whatever it was called? Anyone know, or do we have to go to Taipei to find out?)
Skol! ®
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