This article is more than 1 year old
Putin not bombed on magic mushrooms
Reg ignorance of Russian culture exposed
Putin 'bares all' in first Russian president Webcast
Apparently we in the West have forgotten the simple pleasures in life. Todd West is convinced of it:
Your accusation about Mr. Putin sending veiled messages about drug use through his mention of mushrooms is entirely wrong.
Unfortunately your speculation comes from an ignorance of Russian culture, and it's unfortunate that in your attempt to be clever you smear someone you've probably never met.
In Russian culture it is very common - and quite innocent - to pick wild mushrooms as a family activity, particularly for kids. We in the industrialized West have forgotten that there are places in the world people still do that sort of thing....
There's a difference in cultural assumptions that has led you astray. Some fact checking is in order...
And unfortunately, your objection comes from an ignorance of the British culture of humour. Of course we knew that the Russians like nothing better than to cavort around birch forests with a wicker basket full of mushrooms. Then they like to get get drunk on antifreeze. A top nation.