This article is more than 1 year old

Micron subpoenas Intel in Rambus suit

Flotsam and jetsam from the World Wide Ebb

HWRoundup While yours truly was ducking from buckets of vitriol being flung by irate Ramboid shareholders, young JC spotted on the Rambus Site that Micron, which also has litigation with Rambus, has issued a subpoena "on custodian of records of Intel Corporation". That happened last week.

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Benchmarks for multi-processing 760 boards which got disappeared after we referred to them, are displayed on Ace's Hardware. Note, according to AMD sources we have, there are gazillions of these boards out and about right now.

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The Ferrari of Sound is roaring away at Anandtech. This particular noisy beast is VideoLogic's DigiTheatre. The Boy Anand also has a weekly mofo-CPU roundup up...

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Someone has shot an iMac plumb through the forehead and the evidence is at HardOCP.

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Chris Tom of AMD Zone and Socket A has posted a review of the FIC AD11 760 board, alone in having clock multiplier settings he says.

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There's 21 pages about Radeon here at Fullon 3D. We repeat, irrespective of this -- rumours that ATI could be an Intel target are sweeping the PC nation. You know what INTC gets like with anything grafficky.

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Our friends at Chip Geek take a look at micron technology and what's happening in the future. *®

And that's your lot for today. But if you haven't had enough, get over to the Archives for recent points on your wibbly dial

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