This article is more than 1 year old
FOTW: Oi ya bunch o dobbers
Glasgow argot baffles pissed old letters editor
Tiny outsources sales call centre to Glasgow firm
Regular visitors to the Vulture Central Mailbag know how fond we at the Reg are of English in all its varied and splendid forms. It is with great pleasure, then, that we are able to share this choice cut of the lingo from our neighbouring midge-infested oil platform, Scotland. We think that this has got something to do with the above story, but who can tell? Claymores at the ready for Alan McMorran, AKA 'The Big Man':
Oi ya bunch o dobbers, we glesca folk dinnae eat deep fried mars bars aww the time, jist fer special occasions, like ma wee britney bein born and my brother gettin' aff wi just sum community service fur slashin' that wideo prick that shagged is bird. Fuckin' minto it was, that cunt didnae know what hit him.
So less o the slaggin or me an ma muckers'll be down tae pan yer car windaes in, right?
couple o fannies
Fair enough. Do us a favour though - if you do come down, leave Mel Gibson at home, alright?