This article is more than 1 year old
‘Red Hat’ Lettice exposed
Human sacrifices at the altar of Linux
The truth is finally out. Yes, John Lettice has 'Linux' tatooed on his left buttock. He wears a red hat. He prostrates himself twice daily before the Vulture Central Linus Torvalds altar. He personally oversees the 're-education' of hacks who use the word 'Windows'. He is committed to bringing down the world's education systems through the dissemination of open source OSes. He particularly wants to make life as hard as possible for D. LaTour:
I cannot tell you how much harder people like you make my job. I have experience in RedHat Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Macintosh, and now Windows 2000 and Macintosh OS X (have had the workstation for 4 days now) I can say good web admins/network admins/system admins use the right tool for the job.
Case in point, a small school district that unfortunately bought the Linux hype and let one of their high school students set up Linux in the district. Problem was he left and no one knew the slightest idea how to administer the system. Solution, pay a local technology agency $120/hour to come in and perform routine and mundane tasks on the system because the teachers, principals, etc, (who all work on Macs mind you) were afraid of the console and the information was too important to let a student administer (grades, etc.) They are now on Windows 2000 and they are administering 5 building and 3000 students accounts with 5 teachers.
Shame on you for promoting the falsehood that Linux is the one true operating system and that all others are somehow evil. Just because Microsoft employs a few assholes doesn't mean we shouldn't buy their products. You remind me of an alternative-wannabee that tries so hard to be different they refuse to drink Coke or go to Disney World because those are "big business" yet they puff away on a Marlboro.
You are a hypocrite and I am sick and tired of people like you trashing good work. The truth is Linux, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Mac OS X, BE OS, and many others are all admirable human achievements and if people like you were a little more intelligent, and unbiased, and reasonable people like me that actually buy the software that runs companies would listen.
Start thinking.
No thanks. We'd rather have a Marlboro and a Coke and leave the thinking bit to the propellerheads.