This article is more than 1 year old
Live mouse found inside PC
Makes a change from severed fingers
Computer repairman Gary Taylor had a surprise in store when he turned up to fix a faulty PC - he discovered a real mouse inside.
A report in today's Sun details Gary's amazement when he found a rodent nested underneath the PCs hard drive.
The mouse had made a nest with pieces of chewed wire, and this process had caused the computer, whose brand wasn't specified in the article, to short circuit.
"I looked inside the computer and saw a little face staring back. It was crouched in the tiniest place between the power box and a bank of cable connectors," Taylor told the Sun.
Taylor, who runs Taylormade Computer Services, was able to fix the computer, which ran fine after wiring was repaired and mouse droppings were cleaned out. He was also able to set the mouse, who seemed none the worse for its brush with death by electrocution, free.
The big question has to be: how the hell did the mouse get inside? According to Taylor, attracted by a warm place to nest to mouse might have forced it's way in through a tiny hole in the back of the PC.
As previously reported, Dixons' technicians say that finding dead mice in PCs is relatively common and the mystery with Taylor's rodent is how it was able to survive. We've suspected for a while that computer hardware was getting cheesier but is this evidence that it's going so far that way that it gives a small rodent something to live on? ®
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