This article is more than 1 year old
Let your staff surf porn…
As good a way as any to waste time
Employers put the squeeze on porn surfers
For any employers wondering just how exactly their staff waste most of their time, Greg Cunningham is something of an expert:
Just a thought regarding the study that claimed $500 million in lost productivity:
Do these companies actually assume that before the internet employees didn't waste time while at work ever???? What about the water cooler, chatting with co-workers, staring out the window into space...?? I bet if the study were really comprehensive it would show that while personal net use is rising on the job, these other time wasting activities are probably subsiding.
This could actually have the end result of having employees whose personal lives are better managed and more fulfilled, and are therefore better workers during their actual working hours. I think companies could go a long way in allowing 15-30 minutes of the workday for following up on personal issues and staying informed about your industry.
One of the main reasons for abuse, I think, is the difference in surfing times. I can do in 15 minutes on a T-1 line (large trunk) at the office, the same amount of work it would take me 3-6 hours to do on a 56k dial-up connection at home.
Companies should make use of their assets wisely. Their large internet pipes are a valuable perk they can share with their employees. Workers everywhere should pay more attention to this issue, or employers will start using equations and numbers for a basis for why workers should work longer hours, receive less pay etc, instead of equitably compensating workers for their overall contribution to the company.
I wonder if the CEO's and upper management of these companies will submit to the same close scruity of how they use their time at work ;)
Argh, I've turned another simple comment into a lecture, please forgive me.
Yes, get off that soap box. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and stare at the water cooler for an hour.