This article is more than 1 year old
Mobile phone chaos on Friday
Do it now because you can't remember the numbers anyway
It you do one sensible thing this week, go through your mobile and phone directory and change all the numbers. Why? Because the second swathe of poorly publicised and irritating phone number changes is about to take place - this Friday.
Basically, any mobile numbers (and pager numbers) you have that start with anything but 07 will change. Since there are a lot of variations in mobile codes and because the changes aren't entirely logical, you'd do best to take some time out and change them before it all kicks off. (There 400 million wrong phone numbers out there.)
The Web site to go is or call them on 0808 2242000. Or look at our list below. Or, in another good example of Carphone Warehouse proving its worth, you can use the company's SIM update service.
Take your mobile to any Carphone Warehouse store and they'll give you a free, two-minute service that will change all numbers to their new equivalent. If you want, they'll also store your numbers and put them on another SIM card in case you lose your phone. So, the service industry really does exist.
If you don't make the changes, when you call the usual number from Saturday onwards, you'll get a recorded message telling you the new code, but this will cost you and then you'll have to change the number anyway. Plus, text messages won't work at all.
What of the number changes themselves? Well, it's good to see that Oftel is following its usual pattern: little or no attention (and certainly no compensation) paid to the millions of people that will be affected. And, of course, it's publicising of the fact has been absolutely dreadful and so it's down to the media to do its job for it (hence this story).
The changes will put all mobiles on 07 - which Oftel assures us is a logical step and will be best for all. Although it's said this throughout the numerous transformations of the phone numbering system in the last decade. You will also find that the number to remember is even longer. Which is nice.
D'you know that you can actually call someone on the other side of the world with the same number of digits as it will take to call your mate who is 20 yards away from where you are. Modern technology is great.
And just to tie in quickly. Another survey today "reveals" that using calculators, mobiles, handhelds etc etc isn't turning us into retards. An interesting twist. No, apparently that make us more intelligent. Something to do with constant stimulation. Sounds like this one could run and run (sorta like the "do mobiles cause cancer?" toing and froing).
Get to it kids. The number changes are below. ®
0370 goes to 07770
0374 goes to 07774
0378 goes to 07778
0385 goes to 07785
0401 goes to 07701
0402 goes to 07702
0403 goes to 07703
0410 goes to 07710
0411 goes to 07711
0421 goes to 07721
0441 goes to 07741
04481 goes to 07781
04624 goes to 07624
0467 goes to 07767
0468 goes to 07768
0498 goes to 07798
0585 goes to 07885
0589 goes to 07889
0802 goes to 07802
0831 goes to 07831
0836 goes to 07836
0850 goes to 07850
0860 goes to 07860
0930 goes to 07930
0956 goes to 07956
0958 goes to 07958
0961 goes to 07961
0966 goes to 07966
0973 goes to 07973
0976 goes to 07976
0979 goes to 07797
Pager Numbers
01399 goes to 07699
01426 goes to 07626
01459 goes to 07659
01523 goes to 07623
01893 goes to 07693
0336 goes to 07663
04325 goes to 07625
04624 goes to 07624
0660 goes to 07661
0839 goes to 07661
0881 goes to 07681
0941 goes to 07641
That's it.