The campaign to have 'Jedi' recognised as an official religion in the forthcoming UK census has received a boost. The census form itself confirms that entering a frivolous faith therein will not result in an appearance before the courts.
'Completion of the Census form is compulsory under the Census Act 1920. If you refuse to complete it, or give false information, you may be liable to a fine. This liability does not apply to question 10 on religion.'
Indeed, in New Zealand, citizens who declared themselves members of the Jedi religion, appear to have escaped scot-free - even though they faced a hefty fine for declaring themselves 'Jedi' on the March 6 census.
Jedi co-religionists Richard King, Dave Hall, Philip Bendall and John Lawson have yet to have their collars felt, although the latter admits that he wrote 'Sith', just to be on the safe side.
Pagans make play for Jedi vote
In the UK, pagans are giving the Jedi a run for their money for the floating joker/spiritual limbo vote. It helps maybe that they have some well-established religions of their own.
Reader Jon Ward explains: "There is a movement afoot for all the various varieties of paganism (e.g. Wicca, Druidism, Shamanism etc...) to just put down "Pagan" in the 'other' box. Reps from the Pagan Federation have contacted the people doing the UK census, and have been informed that people putting "Pagan" down as their religion will be counted."
Marvellous. Now we have the prospect of roving bands of Obi-Wan Kenobi's slugging it out with naked tree-huggers and wiccas. Will this madness never end? ®
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May the false declaration be with you