This article is more than 1 year old
I love Microsoft. By the New York Times
Don't you realise that open-source software is a big con job?
Anyone that tells you journalism is impartial is either a fool or a liar. And that is why it is particularly refreshing to see writers nail their colours to the mast.
On top of that, we admire John Markoff of the New York Times for having the courage of his convictions. John has fearlessly stood in the path of the rampaging hordes of Microsoft-critical journalists in his latest article. It is the mark of a man that he will make his opinions heard even when everyone else is in disagreement.
And so while many will falsely regard John's latest epistle on MS' new campaign as little more than blinkered, biased reporting, that does not diminish - in fact, it enhances his integrity.
Microsoft, you see, has grown tired of the negative press it receives over its approach to software development. The arrival of the open-source ethos and Linux in particular has given these poor souls a foundation upon which to lambast Microsoft.
Subsequently, Microsoft has hit back and is briefing journalists on why open source actually undermines property rights, companies, societies and inevitably the world. Since Microsoft is of such importance to the software industry, John has covered its arguments extensively in his latest article as well as occasionally pointing out the flawed arguments of the open source crew. A first-rate job.
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