This article is more than 1 year old

2 stepping GeForce goose-stepping

One works, one doesn't

HWRoundup Ace's Hardware today outs the name for AMD's new Palomino due to be launched in three wholesome flavours next week.

Recently, there's been a lot of chat about Geforce 3s, with the 2 current stepping. Difference: One works. The other doesn't. At RivaStation my friend Borsti has published a comprehensive write-up on the differences between the 2 stepping. Read



THG today looks at the ALiMAGiK 1 chipset with the

possibilities of the Duron and the Thunderbird processor upon this base. This is

worth a read

as it could be the future chipset on the market.

IQ of 150 and you can't remember your name? Sort out those memory problems, courtesy of HardwareZone, which delivers a rundown Rambus, DDR, and PC133 RAM



Last, but certainly not least, those extraordinarily nice people at Hexus have had

a play with an AXIA, and come up with some

some high score results


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