This article is more than 1 year old
Blair in shoot-to-kill conflict
The nasty side of politics
Britain's political leaders might be involved in an election battle - but at they're fighting for their lives.
Over the weekend thousands of gamers took part in a political "shoot 'em up" featuring Tony Blair, William Hague and Charles Kennedy.
According to the pre-game blurb: "Whatever you think about the election, and whoever you think is going to win, it's fair to say that people get fed up with all the bickering and arguing at election time.
"Wouldn't it be more fun if the politicians did something a little more exciting?
"How about if we just locked them in a room to settle their differences and see who comes out as the winner?"
There should be absolutely no surprise in the fact that someone has jumped on the election bandwagon like this. But even if you've no interest whatsoever in playing online games, it's well worth visiting the site just to see Blair's pelvis-thrusting victory dance. ®
Related Link's Election Special