This article is more than 1 year old
Fantasy election provides help for floating voters
If only it were real
El Reg has got more e-lection fun - but this time it's serious.
Not content with running a "Fantasy Mayor" game last year to help Londoners decided who their new mayor should be, now the politicos at New Statesman Online are behind something similar for the general election.
Those behind the site reckon it provides floating voters with the opportunity to suss out their personal views on ten key election issues - you know health, education, Europe...stuff like that.
But there is a snag. Before you answer the questions, the site asks you who you would vote for. Easy enough - even if it's a guess.
However, once you've answered the questions don't be surprised if this political ready reckoner suggests that, on the basis of your responses, you should vote for someone else. Someone you would never in a million years vote for, if you know what I mean.
Apparently, though, that's good, according to one of the guys behind the site.
"It's good to get people thinking about the issues rather than the personalities," said Stefan Haselwimmer.
That, though, is the serious bit. According to Haselwimmer, the "fun" side of the site is selecting your "Fantasy Prime Minister". Having taking a look at this feature, we reckon that's a pretty imaginative use of the word "fun".
Oh, and there's also a WAP version of this - which kinda sums the whole thing up. ®
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