This article is more than 1 year old
Click here for the Prescott punch
Relive that magic moment
Well, the election was threatening to be one of the most tedious ever held - until yesterday. Tony Blair was barracked by a furious Sharron Storer and looked decidedly uneasy, Jack Straw was slow-clapped by the police federation and Little Willy Hague had to find refuge in his car. The politicians came to mix it with the ordinary voters, and they got a kicking.
But, of course, the most hilarious event - possibly of the year - was the sight of 62-year-old, well-bellied deputy prime minister John Prescott punching a voter on the chin and then getting involved in a right royal ruck. Superb.
The man on the end of the fist we know only as Craig at the moment. He had thrown an egg at Prescott which broke over his jacket. Prescott then suddenly spun round and landed a punch square on his jaw. Craig then pushed John's face and the two rolled around with police trying to break them up.
It has been announced this morning that Prescott may be investigated for assault but we say fair play to him. Our respect for Prescott has gone up enormously. We've finally found something he's good at - brawling. He's bugger all use sorting out the transport in this country.
We also applaud what we hope will become a frequent occurrence in politics. Politicians never say anything remotely useful, so they might as well resort to violence. It would certainly end political apathy. The dream ticket would have to be John Prescott and Ann Widdecombe.
Anyway, here's a link to the brawl. It's the BBC's and sadly it's not the best footage there was of the incident but it's the only one we've been able to find so far.
It has been pointed out to us that Craig bears an uncanny resemblance to Scott McNealy, the Sun God. It's the mullet that does it. If you squint your eyes, a wonderful scene unravels before your eyes. All the more reason to support John "Bruiser" Prescott. ®