The continued problems surrounding Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) are so bad it's time for Oftel to point a gun at BT's head and fire, according to the CEO of wholesale DSL outfit Bulldog Communications.
Speaking to The Register Richard Greco said that enough was enough.
"We've been talking about LLU for a year", he said.
"What are the ISPs seeing? They see that they have no choice, one supplier, high prices and BT leveraging its monopoly position.
"What ISPs want is a competitively priced product to drive up subscriptions. ISPs need and want an alternative to BT.
He continued: "Oftel needs to force BT to move. And if BT doesn't, then Oftel should point the gun - and pull the trigger."
Greco's gun analogy refers to the use of punitive action against BT for the slug-like way it's proceeded in unbundling the local loop.
He was commenting on research published by Bulldog that reveals deep concerns among ISPs concerning the roll-out DSL.
According to a survey of ISPs in the London area, half of the ISPs said that broadband services would enable them to increase their revenues by up to 50 per cent, with more than one in ten ISPs believing that revenues could be increased by more than half.
However, many believe they are missing out because the roll-out of DSL and LLU is happening so slowly.
More worrying still, is that a quarter of ISPs "don't believe high-speed broadband access will become a reality for several years - if ever."
Bulldog says that by 2007 it intends to invest up to £300 million to build-out of its national network, which is anticipated to cover up to 70 per cent of homes and businesses in the UK. ®