This article is more than 1 year old
Sony to stick Pioneer's DVD-R in Vaios
Pioneer to make 1m DVD-R drives this year
Pioneer is now supplying its DVR-103 combination DVD-R recordable drives to Sony for its Vaio line of computers.
Pioneer has been supplying the drive to Apple, Compaq and NEC/Packard Bell since Q1 2001. UK retailer PC World is punting out a £1,499 Packard-Bell machine containing the drive. NEC has a machine with a slightly better spec for £1585.08.
Pioneer is now ramping up production of the DVR-103 in China to hit its worldwide production target of more than 1 million DVD-R drives.
The drive is also known as called the DVR-A03 for non-OEM customers, and is just entering distribution. It has a suggested retail price of $995. This is 94 per cent less than Pioneer's first generation DVD-R drive released in 1998. ®
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