This article is more than 1 year old
All your vote are belong to us
The electoral reprise of a classic
Yep. It was inevitable but still worth looking at. The now legendary All You Base are Belong to Us animation has been given the election treatment.
Now All your Vote are Belong to Us. It actually worth having a look. The action takes place on the Tory battle bus. The animation sequence is retained but with Hague, Portillo, Blair and Widdecombe making star appearances.
The best lines are:
Portillo: Somebody take us up the bum [set us up the bomb]
Blair: How are you right honourable gentlemen?
Hague: Take off every 'tax' [zig]
Hague: Keep every 'pound'. For great injustice.
We were going to nick it and post it underneath, but then someone's got to some trouble so here's a link to
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All Your Base are Belong to US