This article is more than 1 year old

Welsh cinema spies on mobile phone users

Why not buy a jammer?

A Welsh cinema has installed hidden cameras to catch and punish the mobile phone users in film audiences.

The Palace in Haverfordwest has for some time been asking people to turn off their phones once they enter the cinema. This has included signs and on-screen appeals to audiences.

But Palace owner Trevor Harris has had enough. "I finally blew my top during Bridget Jones' Diary, when a woman started talking to someone in Spain," he told today's Telegraph.

"We have been inundated with people who have mobiles and pagers going off in the middle of films.

"We have told them to stop, but all we get is abuse," said Harris, adding that the problem at the 88-year-old cinema had been getting worse.

"Now we will watch what is going on in the auditorium through a monitor and anyone using their mobiles or pagers will be kicked out." ®

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