This article is more than 1 year old
Floating voters say nay
Web advertising initiative given thumbs down
New web ads target floating readers
The possibility of advertisers resorting to 'floating' web ads has found very little favour with Reg readers. As for our own experiment with a mobile Reg logo, it appears that the exercise has been counter-productive. Do Kiun is very, very irritated:
I just read an article yesterday on your website and came back to read more today, however I will not be coming back ever again due to some inept idiot placing a floating bird head over the text I was trying to read. This is the most annoying feature I have ever seen at any website. It has definitely permanently killed my interest in anything your site may have to say.
There is no possible way anyone could have come up with such an idiotic idea without knowing for absolute certain that it would piss people off and chase them away from your site. Are you trying to cut down on the number of people who visit your site? If so, you will succeed wildly. If you hope to increase repeat visitors with such an annoying feature, you will fail miserably.
Mr Kiun, we have forwarded your email to the idiot responsible for this outrage. Rest assured that he will be mopping out the toilets for the next six months.
In any case, what's the problem? Alexander Wright has a solution:
I hate floating ads! I have found, however, if you had any offending website to your IE "restricted sites" zone, and then edit the permissions on the zone to give absolute minimum permissions, they very effectively go away.
And if advertisers are going to ruin people's reading enjoyment, what about the interactive element? Darius Thabit expressed his disappointment thus:
Cute game but how do I shoot the vulture? My mouse doesn't seem to work.
Sorry about that. A late submission to the debate was Ernie Mercer. We like Ernie. Why? Because, in an uncaring world, Ernie is a man who understands why you run a piece on floating ads and then ruin it with a flying vulture:
The floating logo was a nice touch! One of the reasons I enjoy The Register is your sense of humor. Keep it up.
Thank you Ernie. Drop by for a beer anytime.