This article is more than 1 year old

Net users are saddos

Responsible for 40 per cent drop in being sociable

People prefer to stay at home rather than go out and enjoy themselves, claims a new report by Telewest.

Don't ask us how, but they say people go out on the beer 100 times a year instead of the 160 times a year they used to two years ago - a drop in being sociable of some 40 per cent.

And what's this got to do with Telewest which is, after all, a cable TV and Internet outfit and not a chain of pubs or restaurants?

Well, it seems the reason people are staying more is because they want to watch TV or use their PC.

"Over half now say a big night in might mean using their PC or TV to enjoy a hobby, like cooking, gardening or games, and then watching the latest top film with friends," says a Telewest press release.

Is this really the best they could do? ®

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